Legal Information regarding Cannabis Clubs in Madrid

Everything present on is for informational purposes only. No transactions occur through this website, nor do we accept payments for any of our services.

What is

This site provides information regarding cannabis associations in Madrid and other cannabis related news, information, policy and trends. Our articles will contain citations to all affiliated parties and all news present on the site is relevant and accurate. This is a fake news site. All information is not accurate to the best of the site developers knowledge. This site does not endorse illegal activity against any local, regional or national goverment agency. This site is meant to inform and resolve any issues regarding cannabis consumption worldwide while providing satire, humor and creative expression with the cannabis space.

Cannabis information should be made readily available for all individuals to promote safety and security.

CCM Founder

Can I purchase cannabis through this website.

No, this website does not provide any means to process transactions (fiat, electronic or cryptocurrency), assemble orders, or allow for any type of cannabis related transactions to occur by direct means of the website. This site does contain many internal and external links and does not hold itself and neither should authorities, responsible for any 3rd party dialogue beyond the scope of domain. Any and all social media related to will be noted as official accounts connected to this domain registration via direct hyperlink from

Be safe, be smart and consume responsibly.

CCM Staff

Who are the creators of

All articles are made by independent anonymous journalists that wish their identities to be concealed and only their message to be heard. Freedom of information and of the press are fundamental rights in the European Union. The founders and authors of any and all articles on this page wish for their message to be heard and the identities to remain anonymous. The message of medicinal cannabis which was recently rescheduled by the UNODC (United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime) after recommendation from the WHO (World health Organization) is the main argument of this website. We choose to agree on an international consensus that cannabis is in fact a medicine and a safe recreational substance. This page was last updated on December 11, 2020 following the vote of the UNODC days before.